There is nothing greater than personalising a yacht with an original colour, a specific design or special effect or adding a touch of gloss for a smooth mirror-like finish.
The most recent products have to be made with environmentally-friendly bio-chemicals. These regulated products stop marine life from sticking to the hull.
The brand SIKKENS is the more commonly used anti-fouling system. Unlike most products used in Asia, SIKKENS is approved by Western ecological standards. Combined with the ancient method of fairing with long-boards, it provides an indisputable protection against the elements. It is very labour intensive and requires great skill but it is still the best way to achieve a perfect gloss mirror-like finish.
Bakricono was the first company in Asia to have switched from using high VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) Paints to more ECO Friendly paints such as PPG’s Envirobase. Regulations in Europe, America and Australia have already forced several companies to use these paints as they have a far less impact on the environment and they contain far less harmful contaminants than regular paints, are very durable and produce top quality finishes.
For Final coating applications we use PPG”s CERAMICLEAR Clearcoats on all painted and veneer surfaces as our final coating. This paint contains NANOPARTICLES that bead on the surface and produces a much longer lasting gloss. This type of paint has excellent chipping properties and forms a glass (ceramic) like surface.